Chris Crain Hyundai

Jan 4, 2021

Winter has arrived in Arkansas. Even though our winters aren’t as intense as they are in northern states, we’re still liable to cold temperatures and icy roads. Given the unpredictable nature of Arkansas weather, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the unexpected when you head out on the road during the winter months. We’ve put together a few tips on how you can “winterize” your vehicle and be prepared for the hopefully short winter to come.

1. Make Sure Your Maintenance is Up-To-Date
It’s always a good idea to have your car maintenance up to date, but even more so during the wintertime. Regular oil changes and tire rotations are key to helping your car run smoothly for a long time, but safety and maintenance checks are important as well. You don’t want for a problem to go unnoticed, causing your car to break down and leaving you stranded on the side of the road when it’s bitterly cold outside. Make a plan to visit the service center at Chris Crain Hyundai to make sure your vehicle is in perfect operating condition.

2. Keep Your Tires at the Appropriate Pressure
As the temperatures drop, the pressure in your tires drops as well. This causes your tires to have less traction on potentially wet and icy streets. Before taking a road trip this winter, be sure to check your tire pressure and make sure your tires are properly inflated.

3. Keep Some Gas in the Tank
During the winter months, we recommend keeping at least 1/4 of a tank of gas in your car at all times. If you were to get stranded, your gas tank could be what you’re relying upon to keep your car heated and warm as you wait for help.

4. Always Carry a Jacket and Blanket
Even if you follow all the routine maintenance procedures for your vehicle, the worst could still happen. Even if you’re making a short trip to the store or to get takeout, it’s a good idea to have a blanket or jacket in the car, just in case you have to get out or wait on the side of the road for a while. We recommend keeping these things in the trunk at all times.

Winter is one of our favorite times of the year. We want for you to stay as safe as possible as you enjoy the season. This means being prepared for whatever weather, the road or your car throws at you. If you need any help “winterizing” your car, stop by Chris Crain Hyundai. We’d love to help you out!