Chris Crain Hyundai

Mar 31, 2022

If you live in Arkansas, you likely need or have a car to get around. And, while you may be a good driver, not everyone who gets behind the wheel takes it as seriously as you. We know the importance of defensive driving at Chris Crain Hyundai which is why we put together these top five defensive driving tips you need to know before you hit the streets. 


Tip 1: Always Look Ahead

Do we even need to explain this? As the driver, you are responsible not just for yourself, but also everyone else around you. Unfortunately, many drivers get into a habit of only looking at what is directly in front of them and not much further. We recommend you always look as far down the road as possible, so you can safely control the vehicle no matter the situation that arises. 


Tip 2: Keep a Safe Distance  

One of the most common reasons people get into accidents is because they were following too close to the vehicle in front of them. It is natural to follow the car directly in front of you, but this can lead to issues very quickly if something were to happen. It is a good rule of thumb to leave at least 3 seconds worth of pace between you and the vehicle in front of you. 


Tip 3: Have An Escape Plan

Unless you have been gifted the ability to see the future, you can never know for sure what is going to happen. While you might be a superb driver, it is impossible to predict what other drivers will do. Always having an escape plan ensures that you and your passengers get away from dangerous situations safely. Think about: where will you go, or what will you do, if someone on the road starts spinning out of control. 


Tip 4: Reduce Distractions

The driver of a vehicle should always have their full attention to driving, however, distractions are bound to come up. There are many different types of distractions: visual, auditory, manual and cognitive. However, any one of these can put you and your passengers in danger. Perhaps the biggest distraction in this modern age- texting. Around 3,000 people die each year from a car crash involving a distracted driver. While not every distraction can be prevented, we recommend you do your best to eliminate as many distractions as possible. Start by putting your phone down or in the glove box while you are behind the wheel. 


Tip 5: Use Correct Communication

Without communication, you’re likely to fail at whatever it is you are attempting to achieve. Driving is no exception. We have all been cut-off by someone who felt like they didn’t need to use their blinker to change lanes- it is infuriating. Turn signals are required on all vehicles, and they are there for a reason. The best way to avoid an unwanted crash is by signaling to other drivers around you when you plan on turning or merging. 


Chris Crain Hyundai

Now that we told you about our top five defensive driving tips- would you still consider yourself a “safe” driver? Keep this advice in mind the next time to get behind the wheel. Even though stopping by our dealership is FUN, you don’t want to be there because of an accident that could have been avoided. And of course, if you are concerned that your car is not up to safety standards- see all of the service options that Chris Crain Hyundai offers by clicking here.