Chris Crain Hyundai

Jul 9, 2020

Family road trips can be fun and exciting, but it’s always a challenge finding a gas station or a rest area for the bathroom breaks. While the things you don’t expect to keep vacations memorable, part of having a great road trip is being prepared with everything you’ll need to make it stress-free. One way to do that is by having helpful travel apps on your smart device. From finding the correct directions and clean restrooms to discovering tricky speed traps, there is a travel app for every travel issue. We at Chris Crain Hyundai would like to suggest a few travel apps that will make your vacation a memorable, hassle-free experience with the family. If you need a new vehicle to start your vacation in the right direction, stop by and let us assist you in the vehicle that fits your needs. 

SEARCHING FOR GAS: We have all experienced the gamble of riding on fumes with your gas gauge on “E” — which, if you risk it long enough, stands for “Enjoy Walking” — when you don’t know where the next gas station is located. Luckily for you, there are several apps out there that help with this particular travel dilemma. One that we’ve found that is generally very accurate is GasBuddy, the app that helps find places to fill up on gas at the cheapest price. It’s updated with info from real, everyday drivers like you, so you know the info is up to date. 

WHEN YOU GOT TO GO…: There is always that one family member who brings that extra-large, bladder-buster beverage along for the ride, and what goes in must come out! A few quarts of soda and a few miles later, and then they have to make a bathroom stop. Doesn’t it seem like you’re always traveling through the most desolate, store-free landscape when the urge hits? Not to fear, there are many travel apps that help you find clean public restrooms like SitOrSquat and Flush Toilet Finder. So when you’ve gotta go, find the phone. 

YOU DON’T HAVE TO A METEOROLOGIST: When you’re traveling, it’s crucial to know the weather forecast to see if you will soon be running into a heavy storm and or not. There’s nothing more stressful and nerve-wracking than driving through a blinding summer thunderstorm in heavy traffic, but luckily, there are loads of apps to help you avoid that particular travel nightmare. One weather travel app that’s good to have available is DriveWeather. It’s designed to help travelers avoid the worst weather conditions, with real-time updates and the latest meteorological info. The app even lets you track your best time to depart, providing radar views and the routes from one point to another that will be the most trouble-free weather-wise.

DON’T PAY FOR ANOTHER TRAFFIC TICKET: Sometimes when traveling we get behind schedule and put the pedal to the metal to make good time in a safe manner. Then, next thing you know, you’re getting pulled over and issued a speeding ticket. If you’re one of those drivers who doesn’t relish every chance to chat with law enforcement by the side of the highway, Radarbot Free is an app that claims to be the only application that combines real-time Alerts with the best speed camera detection system using GPS. Download it, and you’ll have a speed camera warning device, real-time traffic alerts, and an advanced speedometer, all in one powerful application. But, please: drive safely and obey the speed limit anyway. Just because you can speed doesn’t mean you should. 

We hope these suggested travel apps are helpful for your family when out on the open road enjoying quality family time, keeping things stress-free like it should be. If you are in the market to purchase a new vehicle for your summer excursions, don’t hesitate to contact your friends at Chris Crain Hyundai. Let us assist you with your vehicle needs.